
CAN Academy, Inc. serves students from K-12th grade. We provide computer based learning blended with traditional teaching. For grades K-5th we utilize the Abeka curriculum. For grades 6th-12th our primary mode of instruction is Imagine Learning's web-based curriculum , Edgenuity. Our teachers are retired certified teachers with over 30 years of experience. Our goal is to identify the academic baseline of each student, the best way they learn (or mode of instruction) and work with them to improve or master their learning objectives. 

CAN Academy, Inc. is:
*A Title 1 School. The extra resources received through Title 1 allows us to provide the extra tutoring needed to help our students improve their reading and math skills.

*Accredited by the Georgia Accrediting Commission (GAC).

All courses offered for our K-12th grade students adhere to the standards, requirements and expectations of the Georgia Department of Education (GDOE) and the Georgia Accrediting Commission. Any student graduating from CAN Academy, Inc. will have completed all required coursework as their peers in public school.

We provide on-site individual and group services provided by Change Agents Network, LLC and Social Work Interns from Savannah State University's Social Work program.

CAN Academy, Inc. also offers a Summer School Program for Middle and High School students, as well as an online Adult High School Education Program for persons 21 years and older who want to obtain a high school diploma. Contact us if you are interested.